The Best Quora Product Management Topics
I’ve read every Product Management thread on Quora. Here are my favorites…
- Ian McAllister of Amazon defines what distinguishes the top 1% of product managers from the top 10%.
- Ian McAllister of Amazon talks about working backwards from the customer, including writing press releases in Oprah speak.
- Nick Barr of Canvas describes his workflow for writing a product requirements document for small, fast-moving companies.
- Jeff Eddings, previously of Google and StumbleUpon, cover some of the best metrics for a Product Manager to track. Ian McAllister of Amazon adds some great resources.
- Ian McAllister of Amazon and Adam Nash, Ex Ebay, LinkedIn and Greylock, explore the best ways to prioritize a product and feature list.
Fareed Mosavat of Zynga explores why Engineers become Product Managers, looking at the 3 directions an engineer can go over the course of their career.
Anup Cowkur of Y Media Labs uses Dilbert cartoons to break down things that Product Managers do that Engineers dislike.
Breaking Into Product Management
Ian McAllister of Amazon talks about transitioning into product management using the role change two-step.
Rakesh Agrawal of reDesign Mobile covers some frequently asked questions in product manager interviews. Also see Kenneth Norton of Google’s masterpost on the same subject.
Sandeep De, ex TD Ameritrade and Geico talks about the first to do if you just joined a company as a product manager, including developing a 30-60-90day plan.
Scott Owens of Salesforce and Venkatesh Rao, author of Tempo, describe the day in the life of a Product Manager.
Lots of people chime in on must read books for Product Managers.